Dropzone Briefing
Airport Details
Code: KOXV
Runway length: 4,000'
Runway Directions: 150° & 330°
Field Elevation: 928'
Landing Pattern
Landing patterns will remain primarily Left hand North (330°) or Right hand South (150°) for most wind conditions.
Expect to do cross wind landings if winds are Westerly or Easterly
Know and respect your comfort and skill limits in these conditions
Jump Run
Most jump runs in Iowa are usually between 180° and 360° side of the compass
Check your spot before exiting
If it's too long, request a go-around, especially if it’s a Southern jump run
Only board members and/or S&TA's can set and/or adjust the jump run
Main Landing Area
Main landing area is 288,000 sq. ft. (1,600' long. x 180' wide)
Jump with your phone!
The BurbleMe App can be set to access your phone's location while you jump, allowing it to alert Manifest in real-time if there is an issue, such as landing off or being injured. This feature is readily accessible by selecting "DZ Emergency" from the app's main screen and choosing the appropriate option. When an emergency option is selected, it will appear as a banner alert on the Manifest screen with your location.